She was waiting for me on a neighbour island for over 3 months until I found her.
The Express ferry brought the Malaguti Spidermax GT500 from Teneriffe to Gran Canaria in one hour. I gladly payed the 100€ for the roundtrip of the previous owner who accompanied her.
She was a little bit scratched and had a minor break on the floor panel.
I did not care much, since she was just 1 1/2 year young and had just 4200km on the counter.
The testdrive went fine and after the paperwork she was mine.
Eva decided to take the scenic tour home ,over the mountains along the coast (more than 400 curves on the 75 km)
I had to laugh out loud, since my last 2 bikes all had their quirks on the drive home. The Burgman 400 was smelling very hot and in the evening she didn`t want to start anymore. She was fine when I tried 10 minutes later.
The Pegaso didn`t want to restart after I stopped her on the highway and turned her off with the emergency switch. 5 minutes later and after switching every switch several times she was ready to continue her drive home.
So I guess they all wanted to have my undivided attention to introduce themselves.
We finished the scenic drive home and I took her out for a spin in the night to check how the driving with light would be.
Since the folks at Malaguti decided to install 2 working low and high beams (not like most modern bikes where either the left or right side is working but not both together) the light was not too bad but could be improved.
I was mighty impressed how well the Spidermax was running straight after I took my hands of the handlebar and left them of for more then 10 seconds while the bike was rolling down hill.
Oh my, the Suzuki Burgman 400 k2 I had was shaking wildly the instant I took my hands of.
The Spidermax behaved even much better, than the Aprilia Pegaso.